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  Other Coursework

These courses are taken to gain a better understanding of how historical books are
made with a very hands-on approach.


Learned the history and techniques of medieval calligraphy. Practised various scripts
using a calligraphy pen, either copying from Latin manuscripts or adapting the scripts
to write in English.

InsularTextura Rustic & a hand-carved reed pen

Illuminated Manuscripts

Studied codex manuscripts from the late Roman period to the invention of printmaking,
examining their content and style. Read and wrote academically.

Designing illuminated initials (shown: calendar page for the year of tyger, featuring one tiger as depicted in bestiaries and one according to modern conception)
Studying physical manuscripts at the RISD museum (shown: an Italian antiphonary leaf) & Essays on this subject and more
Drawn with dip pen and Indian ink, this picture depicts generalised procedures in making an illuminated manuscript:


Making plates, mixing inks, and operating presses - shown below are printmaking
techniques I’ve acquired in the studio. Each of the images I create is informed by
research into historical printed images pertaining to the specific technique.

Copperplate intaglio
Lithography Letterpress