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 Archival Boxes & Binders

I have been working in the technical service department of the Fleet Library at RISD
for one year now. A large part of my job is protecting books in the Special Collections
by making custom-sized boxes and binders for each out of archival materials. The
books I handle range from 19th-century bindings, large flat folios, to contemporary
artist books of various shapes and sizes.

Self-enclosing Binders

Overlapping two layers of heavyweight archival cardstock, this type of protective
casing is flexible and opens flat. Key skills include taking measurements, trimming
and folding, securing with jade glue (pH neutral PVA), making clothbound closures,
rounding off corners.

Clamshell Boxes

The clamshell boxes are used to house delicate items and books of irregular shapes
in particular. They are made out of archival blue corrugated boards. Key skills include
planning a box pattern with precision, separation of board layers.